Having an Internet site is a bit more complex than just having a domain and uploading files for it on a server. The hosting service also includes things like domain records, databases, e mail addresses, statistics, FTP access, etc. Even though they probably are not the first thing that comes to mind when you refer to the word “website”, they are a fundamental part of any site and none of them can be skipped. If you would like to start and keep a successful presence online, you will need an easy way to take care of all these things, particularly if you aren't very proficient. Aside from the ease of use, it's also essential to have full control over your domain names and the web hosting service associated with them.

Website Manager in Website Hosting

If you order any of our website hosting packages, you will get a sophisticated, albeit easy-to-use Website Manager tool, that is part of the in-house created Hepsia CP. Not only is it convenient to use even by people with zero previous experience in this field, but it'll furthermore give you complete control over every aspect of your presence online. With simply a few clicks, you shall be able to access each and every part of the Control Panel which is related in some way to your Internet sites. DNS records, WHOIS info, e-mails, databases, FTP accounts, script applications - all of these things could be managed via quick-access links which are handily put together in one location. We've also prepared a lot of helpful articles and video lessons, that will offer you a better understanding of all the capabilities of the Website Manager.

Website Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With the Website Manager tool that we shall give you if you have a semi-dedicated server account with our company, you will be able to handle your domains and everything associated with them without any difficulty and with only a few clicks. The tool offers a lot of options in one place, but is designed with a clean and simple interface, which makes it suitable for newbies. Knowledgeable users shall also acknowledge how quickly they can control every part of their online presence, rather than going through a number of menus attempting to find some hidden option. After you click on any domain name hosted in your account, you shall be able to modify its DNS records, to buy an SSL certificate, to create a new database or an email address, to install a script-driven app, plus much more. All these options are accessible using quick-access buttons, so you can do anything you require with regards to your Internet site quickly and easily.